• Pangolin Photo Safaris – Mara Bush Camp

Mara Bush Camp | Pangolin Photo Safaris Partner

Debates rage as to where the best camp is located when it comes to the Masai Mara – especially during migration season. The Mara itself is not very large (when compared to the other half of the reserve on the Tanzanian side – The Serengeti) but you most certainly want to be in the reserve itself instead of outside and having to travel through a park gate every morning.

Mara Bush Camp is in our opinion in the best location and offers the best value in the whole of the national reserve. We chose it for its elegant simplicity and the fact that it is slap bang in the middle of the action which means we are photographing from the moment we set off on game drives.


Mara Bush Camp is situated very close to several of the River crossing points and right in the territory of several lion prides and resident leopards. On that note during the migration season we tend to be out on full day game drives so you will tend to only be in the camp during the darker hours, so we have prioritised with a comfortable camp with spacious tents, great food and plenty of space in the communal areas to relax and go through images.

The camp sets up an editing area for us on group trips with a screen and projector so that we can chat about images and post production. There is a reliable electricity supply for charging of batteries and basic wifi in camp. The food at Mara Bush Camp is great and they do a great packed lunch for the full day excursions which are taken under a tree out in the reserve.