So what are the Pangolin Lifestyle blogs about?

Don’t get us wrong! We have a passion for wildlife photography but that is not all. We love all things fun and adventurous (in Africa and the rest of the world) and in these articles, you can join us as we try out new things and enjoy what this wonderful world of ours has to offer.

A day at Sling Aircraft

A day at Sling Aircraft with Guts & Toby We like to think of ourselves as a “challenger” brand. When we started Pangolin, everyone told us that we were on a hiding to nothing as wildlife photography was “too niche” and we would never find enough clients to really grow the business. We are pretty sure that Sling Aircraft Chairman, James Pitman and his partner Mike Blyth probably endured similar naysayers when he decided to launch his experimental aviation company and thus we hit it off immediately when Guts and I visited their factory just south of Johannesburg [...]

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