About Meghan Opperman

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So far Meghan Opperman has created 16 blog entries.

The 1200mm Canon Lens with Guts in Svalbard

Guts in Svalbard reviewing the Canon RF 1200mm f/8 lens. The RF Canon 1200mm Lens - Tested in Svalbard! In this blog, Guts shares an exciting adventure in the icy landscapes of Svalbard. They searched for polar bears during a recent Pangolin Photo Safaris group expedition. Offering a comprehensive review, Guts delves into their firsthand experience with the Canon 1200mm lens for mirrorless systems, graciously supplied by Canon South Africa. Get ready to see the amazing shots they captured with this impressive gear! Watch Guts' First Impressions of the Canon RF 1200mm Lens [...]

July 11th, 2024|Gear Reviews|
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